Wednesday, May 19, 2010

5.19.10 - film

Hallelujah, I'm shooting film again.

Thankfully, I was part of the last class to go through the UM journalism school that shot on film.  I feel that to really learn how to take compelling photographs, you need to know how to use light.  Taking photos on film is the only way to do this.

When you shoot film, you have to thin through every shot.  There is no way to know if what you're getting is good, you just have to trust it.

So, to prep for a project that I will be shooting on film this summer, I have decided to shoot some practice rolls of film.  Here are some early results.

Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!


PS - Without question, my inspiration for the way I shot these photos was photographer William Eggleston and his book The Democratic Forest.  Check him out.

Monday, May 17, 2010

5.17.10 - graduation.

Well, after a long hiatus, I FINALLY have a few things for you.

This last weekend I made a triumphant return to Missoula for graduation.  Although i walked last year, shown in this photo, I technically graduated this year, so I figured I should show up.

The other photos are from this weekend, mainly following my buddy Kyle and his big day.

Hope you enjoy, should be coming back with some actual writing soon, had a few things in the works.
